We all need energy and shelter to survive. But the way we provide these things is largely harmful to people and the planet. Our goal is to help find ways to meet our needs without harming the planet or leaving a diminished world for future generations. We don’t have all the answers, but we are learning along the way.
Our mission
Use forest products and services and education to mitigate climate change, promote ecosystem health, and work toward a sustainable future and resilient community in Interior Alaska.
Our values
We believe in keeping it local. Buying local products and using local service providers strengthens our communities and allows us to better understand the impact of our actions, a necessary step toward finding sustainable options.
We believe in using science. Figuring out how to reduce our impact is complicated. We believe it’s important to rely on the best information available, be open to new research and ideas, and be deliberate about what we’re doing.
We believe in the role of business to create solutions. Climate change requires us to rethink just about every part of our economy. Businesses have an opportunity to address this challenge through innovations in products and services.
Forest health and climate change
Check back soon for more information about forest health, carbon cycle, climate change, and more…
Contact us
Wall Tent Woodworks
License #146991
1495 Whistling Swan Drive
Fairbanks, AK 99712